Prevent your identity being used to vote frauduantly
Have you changed address? Make sure you are not registered at the old address. Especially if you are now in a different state. Even if it was many years ago.
Do you know someone that has recently passed away? Make sure their voter registration has been removed.
Are you here on a Green Card or another visa and thus not allowed to vote? Make sure you are not registered. For example, many states register you to vote automatically when you apply for a driving license. You could be in a lot of trouble if someone uses your identity to vote.
Why? Removing invalid entries in the voter registration database, makes it harder for someone to vote fraudulently.
How to remove entries in the voter role.
True the Vote provides some great tools to do this. Scroll down to the map of the United States and click on your state. It will take you to the state’s website, allowing you to check your registration details and make modifications.