In Florida and across the nation, nearly two-thirds of all controls in the election process are missing. Three bills proposed to the Florida legislature are expected to address the bulk of the state’s missing controls.
Last week we released a report showing that nearly two-thirds of the controls related to the election process across the country were missing.
This is a horrible result. In the corporate world ALL controls related to financial reporting must be in place before external auditors will sign off on the annual financials for major US corporations. This means that up to 1,000 controls or more have to be in place for the financials to be certified.
In the corporate world, financial controls are defined as follows:
Financial controls are the procedures, policies, and means by which an organization monitors and controls the direction, allocation, and usage of its financial resources. Financial controls are at the very core of resource management and operational efficiency in any organization.
In US elections Americans are being swindled into believing that the election process is the same as processes in other industries. They are not.
With two-thirds of all controls missing, US elections should be shut down today until this is fixed.
A group of concerned citizens in Florida have put together proposed legislation to address the many controls not in place in Florida elections. They believe that their three proposed bills will address most of the controls missing in the election process in the state.
This team reviewed the security risks for a typical county in the state and identified hundreds of security control risks. This is depicted in the chart below.
Once the risks in an election were outlined and then mapped out in the diagram above, the risks were grouped into three main areas: Vote By Mail, Voter Registration, and Election systems.
This group of concerned citizens then drafted three proposed bills for the Florida legislature to pass that will address the major risks in Florida’s elections.
Below is some supplemental information and support for the bills proposed:
Vote-by-Mail Risks, Controls, Legislation (HB1669)
Video Report: Absentee Voting Packet Overview 1.2.24 mini.pptx (9-minute) – Vote-By-Mail Bill v3.mp4 (22-minute)
Proof of Chain of Custody Gaps in Florida: Chain of Custody Handout 12.13.pptx (based on review of over 2,000 completed Chain of Custody forms, security plans, and 100’s of hours of observation)
EAC best practices:!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1VArGSi33wFE5J5A?e=H1zuHb
Problems and Solutions: Lobby 2 – Vote by Mail.pdf
HB1669 Summary: Summary of Absentee Packet Legislative Proposal Final2 12.29.23.docx
U. S. Citizenship Risks, Controls, Legislation (SB1602)
Video Report: Absentee Report Version 3.mp4
Proof of size and scope of the risk of non-citizens voting in Florida: The evidence that millions of non-citizens can register to vote in Florida v2.docx
Citizenship Problems and Solutions:!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1Eh4agnJRyploNQw?e=n54A9C
Voter Roll Accuracy Problems and Solutions:!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1FEEKJv6SOETB_lQ?e=Hd2r3r
SB1602 Summary:!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1HfwvRdgkhMPW6bw?e=xmMhcr
Technology Risks, Controls, Legislation (HD 90412 and SD 22-01427-24)
Video Report: Technology Bill v7.mp4
Expert Interview:
Proof of size and scope of Florida election technology risks:!AlLfdMy0hwN2ga1TRtxQYAtRUZ3hDA?e=enSWM1
Technology Problems and Solutions: Lobby 4 – Technology B Corrected.pdf
Technology Legislative Draft Summary: Tech Bill Summary Final 12.26.23 v3.docx
Additional work on Florida Election Security Report
Video Report: Absentee Report Version 3.mp4
Written Report: Florida 2023 Election Security Report Final 1.18.24.docx
Election Security Control Report also published at The Gateway Pundit