About Us

FATE 2024 was created by Joe Hoft, who gathered election specialists and professionals from across the country to identify the many issues that plague America’s voting systems. This group of individuals, focusing on Fair and Transparent elections, has come together to fight the corruption within our voting systems and processes.


The purpose of this effort is to identify all material key control weaknesses in US election processes and create and implement preventative solutions to ensure the 2024 election is free and fair.


The goal is to ensure enough adequate controls are in place to ensure the 2024 primaries and general election are not stolen.

How It’s Done

This team is using the same methodology that Finance and Auditing teams used in US corporations in the advent of the Sarbanes – Oxley (SOX) implementation in the early 2000’s.



I. Map out processes involved in performing elections across the US (by year-end 2023)

II. Identify key controls in those processes – those items that must be in place to ensure elections are fair and transparent.

III. Propose solutions to missing controls, or broken controls that we can make in the current environment.

IV. Implement solutions.